My Shocking News

Darren Mcclocklin
2 min readApr 22, 2021

In this story I want to talk about my life story that had happen to me that I think are common now to most people. Read on and find out.

Souce: Pixabay By: ijmaki

Before The Shocking News

By November 2020, in Canada we get GST every 3 months but at that month I didn’t get it, so I through it could be late at first. So, I waited and waited but I say “wait a second, this isn’t right”. I call them (tax people) and ask what happening.

The Shocking News

Tax company then said to me that name and address and everything have change to someone who got a very odd name and Live far east side of the country. I live near the west Mountian of canada. I had been robbed of tax identity. I was shocked and at a loss of what to do. The tax company are now trying to find this person and restored my identity. An on going case such a pain!

After The Shocking News

After that terrible news I had notice that my family memebers got their credit cards stolen from online spending and cashing out and other bull craps that you can think of. It been happening online about those kind of fraud, I think it because the people are trying to live that are affected by C-19 virus.

Am I mad about it? yes and no. I was mad and shocked, but now I am slowing getting back to my own life and blah, blah. I try not to think too much on it, So I am feeling fine now and try to be happy person. Happy people live longer, have more hair, also no grey hair popping up… I think.

Thanks For reading and Take care folks. Keep on postive thinking.



Darren Mcclocklin

I’m a Youtuber, writer, comedian, filmmaker, and an actor. In 2019, I became a members of “Writers Guild of Western Canada” I started doing comedy in late 2017.